
Upcoming events

Sunday Morning

9:30 AM

General Info

The Jubilee nursery serves children up to the age of 4. We currently have two nursery rooms open for all children ages 3 and younger, with a maximum capacity of eighteen children between the two rooms. Two volunteers staff each nursery room each week along with occasional youth helpers.

Check In

Nursery check-in opens fifteen minutes before the service start time. Parents should go to the nursery room to check in and drop off their child. If your child is potty trained, please bring them to the bathroom before dropping them off.

During the Service

During the service, the nursery will provide a place for safe free play, a small snack, simple songs, a Bible story lesson, and intentional prayer for each child. Nursery volunteers will provide snack and diaper changes for your children unless you specify otherwise. We have a pager system which we use to contact parents if their child is upset or if they have indicated they’d like to perform diaper duties.

What to Bring with You

We’d be grateful if your child could come to the nursery each Sunday with a clean diaper and a water bottle or sippy cup. Some children may also benefit from a comfort item like a blanket. Labels for these items can be made at the check-in table. Please don’t bring special toys that could get lost or cause conflict.

Policy Highlights

– The nursery will check all diapers, but will only change soiled diapers.

– The nursery will notify a parent if their child has been crying continuously for more than 10 minutes.

– To learn more about our policies designed for the protection of your children, you can read our Child Protection Policy here.

Jubilee Nursery Sick Child Policy

For the health and well-being of all our children, we ask that sick children remain with their parents during the church service.

A child is considered sick if the following symptoms have been present within the past 24 hours:

– oral body temperature of +100 degrees

– vomiting

– diarrhea not related to medication or food reaction

– undiagnosed rash

– yellow or green discharge from nose or eyes

– constant cough not related to allergies or a wet cough producing yellow or green discharge

Child Safety

We take the safety of our children and volunteers very seriously. You can read our Child Protection Policy here.

Learn More


If you are interested in donating, serving in the nursery, or have any questions about this ministry, please contact

Erin Lundquist

Janet Purcell

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